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Photos - 1938 Tube Stock UNDM
Fig. 1: UNDM
Coupled to DM

A new type of car arrived with the 1938 Tube
Stock. This was known as an UNDM. It was a motor car with a shunting control
position in place of a full driver's cab. It provided a simple uncoupling point
without the loss of valuable passenger space to a driver's cab. Here, an UNDM, built
in 1949 is shown coupled to a conventional cab-ended unit. The UNDM has since become
a common feature of Underground train formations.
The UNDM has a shunting control position at the
end where the automatic coupler is located, shown here. The position is in the end
wall of the car on the side nearest the camera.
Fig. 2: 1938 Tube
Stock UNDM interior

Interior of 1938 Tube Stock UNDM (actually some
were built in 1949 and some were converted from existing NDM vehicles) showing the
shunting control cabinet at the end of the car with the protective panel open. The
driver operated the controls from a standing position at the centre doorway, where he uses
the end window for a forward view. A push button controller was provided to make the
driving easier from the offset standing position. The shunting controls were
recovered from these cars when they were scrapped and used on 1972 Tube Stock UNDMs.
They were replaced by a new type on the 1972 Stock when they were refurbished.
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This page updated 22 August 2002
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